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2023-2024 Enrique S. Camarena Award

National Winner

Sgt. Jeffry Foss-Rugan

Rocky Hill, CT PD

For the 2023-2024 Lodge Year, we had two of our Hall County Sheriff's Department Deputies nominated for the Enrique S. Camarena Award.
Both Deputies were awarded the Medal of Service, sponsored by Grand Lodge Activities Committee, for their service to their communities and citizens.

Deputy Sheriff Blake Huelsnitz, Bill Koller, State DAP Chair and Exalted Ruler Kim Thompson

Exalted Ruler Kim Thompson, Deputy Sheriff Jeff Schneider and Bill Koller, State DAP Chair

Both Deputies also received Elks Drug Awareness Champion Certificates for their dedication to promote drug awareness and prevention through their daily interactions with local citizens

Hall County Deputy Sheriff Jeff Schneider is the recipeient of the Nebraska Enrique S. Camarena Award for 2023-2024
Thank you Jeff for all you do every day to slow the trafficing of drugs in Hall County.

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